Friday, June 27, 2014

SBA Region 4 News To Share

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June 2014

SBA Region 4 News To Share

Brought to you by the U.S. Small Business Administration's Region IV Office

Cassius BUtts

Cassius Butts

Regional Administrator

U.S. Small Business Administration

It is THAT Time of Year- BE PREPARED!

June is Hurricane Preparedness Month, a time for small businesses and communities to assess their plans for how to react should a hurricane affect their areas.  And while not every community in our country may be hit by a hurricane, it's a good time for all communities, from California to Georgia to Alaska and every state in between to review or prepare a disaster preparedness plan—so that if the unexpected occurs, your small business is ready to take action.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2011 and 2012 were the two most extreme years on record for destructive weather events, causing more than $170 billion in damages, much of that to businesses. Downtime in the aftermath of extreme weather events is costly—about $3,000 per day for small businesses, according to the Institute for Business and Home Safety.

For small business owners, being prepared can mean staying in business following a disaster. Explore the resources that can help you develop an emergency preparedness and disaster relief plan at

 Now's a good time to build a disaster preparedness plan that will protect your organization, your clients and your bottom line in the event of a weather-related emergency. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Determine your greatest risk potential.  It might come from wind damage or the inland flooding that typically follows the tropical storm's heavy rains.  Meanwhile, your business could suffer financial losses due to road and bridge closings in the aftermath of a hurricane.  Power outages are a major threat, especially to businesses in the food and hospitality industries. What would happen if you had to shut down your business for several days?  Look at the building where you do business—inside and out—and assess the risks. If you do this early enough, you'll have time to do structural upgrades—like impact resistant doors and windows—that can prevent possible future storm damage.
  • Review your insurance coverage.  Make sure you understand what's covered, and if you need flood insurance. Check into business interruption insurance, which helps you cover operating expenses if you're forced to temporarily close the business. Calculate the cost of business interruptions for a day, one week, a month or six months.  Build a cash reserve that will allow your company to function during the recovery phase.
  • Prepare your supply chain.  Develop professional relationships with alternate vendors, in case your primary supplier isn't available. Place occasional orders with them so they'll regard you as an active customer. Create a contact list for important business contractors and vendors you plan to use in an emergency.  Keep this list with other documents filed at an easily accessible place, and also at a protected off-site location.
  • Create a crisis communications plan. Make sure your staff, customers, vendors, contractors—everyone you do business with—know what's going on in the aftermath of a disaster. Establish an email alert system, keeping primary and secondary email addresses for your employees, vendors and customers. Provide real-time updates to the community so they know you're still in business and in the process of rebuilding after the disaster. And don't forget to test your plan.

To learn more about the top five disaster risks for small businesses, and how to develop a recovery plan,  sign up for the free webinar on Tuesday, July 8 hosted by the SBA and Agility Recovery. The live presentation begins at 2 p.m. EDT, and will be followed by a question and answer session. Space is limited, so register now.   

Regional Administrator Participates in National Partnership Council

Regional Administrator Cassius Butts sits on the National Partnership Council.  The Council met in Washington, D.C. this month to communicate the mission of the agency and to keep lines of communication open between the SBA and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). 

Pictured from Left to Right:  Brenda T. Wilson, AFGE Regional Vice President, Cassius Butts, SBA Regional Administrator, Elaine Powell-Belnavis, AFGE President

AFGE Photo

A Special Welcome to SBA Region IV's Summer Interns

Ivy Ford

Ivy Ford

Graduating from Tuskegee University, Ivy obtained her BA in English.  Upon graduation she taught English in the Atlanta Public School System for two years and then continued on to receive her Master's degree in Public Administration from Clark Atlanta University. 

Leah Jacobs

Leah Jacobs

Leah is currently a rising senior at Emory University's Goizueta Business School, pursuing a degree in Finance and International Business.  Outside academics, Leah competes for Emory's nationally-ranked varsity volleyball team.  This Spring she also had the opportunity to study abroad in Paris, France.

What's happening For Small Business in YOUR Area?

Tom Todt

Alabama District Office

Tom Todt, SBA District Director

John Spears, SBA Director of Clusters and Skills Initiatives, was in Huntsville AL June 11 and 12 to participate in a press conference, among other activities. The press conference was to announce the novation of a scientific clusters contract from the Von Braun Center for Science and Innovation, to the Women's Business Center of North Alabama, a long-time SBA Resource Partner.

The cluster initiative, previously known as the Huntsville Advanced Defense Technology Cluster Initiative or HADTCI, was re-branded TechRich for Technology Regional Innovation Cluster Huntsville. While in Huntsville, Mr. Spears also visited small technology clients of the Cluster, met with RichTech directors, and toured Redstone Arsenal, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Cummins Research Park and the US Space and Rocket Center, as well as conducting a 6 am radio interview, sampling southern cuisine and enjoying southern hospitality.

( L to R) Terry Griffin, TechRich Project Manager, John Spears, SBA Director of Clusters and  Skills Initiatives,  and Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle chat following the press conference announcing novation of the scientific cluster initiative contract to TechRich, a project of the Women's Business Center of North Alabama.  

John Speers AL

Wilfredo Gonzalez

North Florida District Office

Wilfredo J. Gonzalez, District Director

Last month the SBA North Florida District Business Development Team participated in the 3rd Annual 8(a) Conference, hosted by the Florida 8(a) Alliance in Orlando, FL. The Business Development team provided training and updates about the program, and also provided one on one counseling to businesses looking to get started with 8(a) certification. Cassius Butts, SBA Regional Administrator, also participated in the conference, and spoke to the audience of over 175 attendees including small business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, and state and federal government agencies about the importance of the 8(a) Business Development program. To learn more about 8(a) certification, and if it is right for you, contact the North Florida District office at (904) 443-1900.

Pictured left to right:

Paul Arrington, SBDC, Tisa Clark, SBA Business Opportunity Specialist, Thaddeus Hammond, SBA Business Opportunity Specialist, Carmen Gonzalez, SBA Business Opportunity Specialist, Kenneth Hamilton, SBA Supervisory Business Opportunity Specialist, and Ed Ramos, SBA Senior Area Manager

8a NFL photo

Pancho Marrero

South Florida District Office

Francisco "Pancho" Marrero, District Director

Due to unplanned leadership moves, Francisco "Pancho" Marrero is doing double duty as the acting district director for the New York District Office.  Pancho travelled to New York on June 4 and he expects to remain in the "Big Apple" for two months. 

Two strategic alliances were signed since the last newsletter.  An alliance with Miami Dade Economic Advocacy Trust was signed on May 20; and an alliance with Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce on May 21.  Later this month, Marketing Director Area 1 Althea Harris will be signing a SAM with the Women's Business Development Council of Florida on June 19 and the Southern Florida Minority Supplier Diversity Development Council on June 26. 

Five Miami-area National Small Business Week award winners were honored during a Small Business Workshop hosted by U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.  The workshop was held on Saturday, May 31 at the Broward County Convention Center.  Regional Administrator Cassius Butts presented district awards along with Rep. Wasserman-Schultz.  Receiving awards were:  Ricky Brantley, President of Viking Defense, the South Florida District 2014 Small Business Person of the Year;  Patricia Bonilla, President of Luncacon Construction Group, the South Florida District 2014 Minority Owned Small Business Person of the Year and the SBA State of Florida Minority Owned Small Business Person of the Year; Elizabeth Karwowski, President of Get Credit Healthy, the South Florida District 2014 Small Business Financial Services Advocate of the Year; Daniel Bittner and Maxim Weitzman, owners of Concept II, the South Florida District 2014 Small Business Exporter of the Year; and Broward SCORE, the South Florida District 2014 Small Business Media Advocate of the Year and the SBA State of Florida Small Business Media Advocate of the Year.

Miami was selected as one of 10 locations for SBA's national Boots to Business REBOOT program.  Modeled after Boots to Business, the two-day workshop targets military veterans who want to start their own business but left service before the current program for transitioning servicemembers was launched.  SBA South Florida is working with the Miami VA Hospital to host the workshop in their auditorium on July 29-30. 

Miami-area winners of the SBA South Florida District Office National Small Business Week awards were recognized at a Small Business Workshop hosted by U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Awards were presented by Regional Administrator Cassius Butts.

Pictured with Representative Wasserman-Schultz and Regional Administrator Butts.(left to right, clockwise): SFDO Small Business Person of the Year Ricky Brantley; SFDO and State of Florida Minority-Owned Small Business Person of Year Patricia Bonilla; SFDO Small Business Exporter of the Year Clarit Gelman for Concept II Cosmetics; SFDO Small Business Financial Services Advocate of the Year Elizabeth Karwowski; and SFDO and State of Florida Small Business Media Advocate of the Year Broward SCORE.

South FL Picture June

Terri Denison

 Georgia District Office

Terri Denison, District Director

On June 20, Georgia District Director Terri Denison, Deputy Associate Administrator for Field Operations, Eugene Cornelius and Regional Administrator, Cassius Butts will participate in a national convocation of the United Progressive Pentecostal Church Fellowship hosted by New Vision Church in Atlanta.  Georgia District Office staff members will give presentations on small business finance, training, counseling and procurement assistance offered by SBA.  The program will also inform church leaders from across the nation on how SBA district offices can work with them to build entrepreneurial programs in their own communities.

Ralph Ross

Kentucky District Office

Ralph Ross, District Director

Linda George Retiring from Kentucky District Office

We send our best to Linda George, District Counsel for the SBA Kentucky District Office, who is retiring this month. She is bidding a fond farewell after 27 years of government service.

Linda started her career as an advertising copywriter after graduating from the University of Kentucky in 1975 with an English Degree and obtained her Law Degree (Juris Doctorate) in 1982.

Linda began her federal career at the Corps of Engineers in 1987 and joined SBA four years later as District Counsel. She also has been an Adjunct Professor at Sullivan University in Louisville since the late 1980s, teaching legal and business topics. She created the first undergraduate and graduate classes in alternative dispute resolution and plans to continue teaching at Sullivan. Linda has also been a practicing mediator since 1994, and she focuses predominantly on workplace conflict.

Linda enjoys painting and writing poetry. She used to play the drums and will now have time to practice that skill as well as hone her golf game and work in her garden. Her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter live 70 miles away in Lexington, KY, and a second grandchild is expected soon, so Linda looks forward to spoiling the grandchildren and escaping back home before their parents know what happened.

Linda has always been willing to share her knowledge, pleadings and skills with her fellow counsel and district office team members, and SBA has benefitted from her negotiation and litigation skills. We will miss her dearly but are glad that she can now enjoy her well-deserved retirement.


Linda George has been a tremendous asset to the Southeast Region and the entire Agency.  She will be very missed.  We wish Linda well in her adventures into retirement!

Linda George

Janita Stewart

Mississippi District Office

Janita Stewart, District Director

The Mississippi SBA District Office held its 2014 Statewide Lenders Conference at the Imperial Palace Resort in Biloxi, MS on May 22nd & 23rd.  Janita R. Stewart, Mississippi SBA Director, was joined by Region IV Administrator Cassius Butts, local mayors and representatives from the local SBDC, SCORE and Women's Business Center during the event.  Special thanks to Frank Pucci, Sandy Franzago, Paul Santomauro, Victor M. Cruz, Gerald Johnson and John Wade who conducted the following workshops: SOP 5010-5(F) Technical Clarifications, 10 Tab Application Submission and Eligibility, FRANdata, COLSON Services,    Servicing the SBA Portfolio, Selling SBA Loans on the Secondary Market.

Dr. Derek Greenfield, internationally renowned motivational speaker, electrified the audience with his high energy and positive message during his keynote speech.  Certificates of appreciation and special recognition were given to Mississippi top lenders and Certified Development Companies.  The event, co-sponsored by the Central Mississippi Development Company, helped train more than 90 attendees.

L to R: Gary Reed, Mississippi Deputy Director; Monica Cook of Community Bancshares of Mississippi, Cassius Butts, Region IV Administrator; Matt Allen and Brad McGee of Community Bancshares of Mississippi and Janita Stewart, MS SBA Director.  The lender was the Mississippi SBA's FY2013 Top Volume and Dollar Lender. 

MS Event 2014

Lynn Douthett

North Carolina District Office

Lynn Douthett, District Director

SBA North Carolina District Export Outreach

Did you know?

·       North Carolina exports totaled almost $30 billion dollars in 2013?

·       U.S. Exports totaled $2.3 trillion that year?

The SBA North Carolina District Office staff is assertive in its outreach of SBA export programs and resources to assist lenders and small businesses.

Since March, district staff has trained over 30 North Carolina lenders on SBA Export Finance programs including:

·       The Export Express Loan Program offers streamlined financing up to $500,000. It is the simplest export loan product offered by the SBA. Any business in operation at least one year that can demonstrate that the loan proceeds will support its export activity is eligible.  

 ·       The Export Working Capital Program offers financing up to $5 million as a credit enhancement.

·       International Trade Loan Program offers loan financing for fixed assets and working capital to businesses that plan to start or continue exporting, or that have been adversely affected by competition from imports.

SBA staff participates in a variety of export events around the state that help small businesses identify and access different global markets and export opportunities. Export University classes are held throughout North Carolina and offer topics such as:  Introduction to Exporting, Export Finance, and Licensing and Regulations.

This year's major exporting event is DISCOVER GLOBAL MARKETS.  The U.S. Commercial Service and the North Carolina District Export Council are hosting this conference in Charlotte on October 29-31, 2014 at the Westin Charlotte Hotel.

Exploring the markets of the Americas is the focus of this 3-day event. Presentations by economists, industry professionals, trade experts and U.S. Commercial Diplomats will be featured. Small businesses can take advantage of workshops, breakout sessions and private consultations to help gain insight to market opportunities in Latin America.

For more information visit:

Elliott Cooper

South Carolina District Office

 Elliott Cooper, District Director

Thanks to the outreach efforts of its lender relations team – which includes Gail Newton and Frank Anderson – the South Carolina District Office is proud to announce that three South Carolina banks have become new SBA participating lenders.  The banks include:

Palmetto Heritage Bank & Trust, based in Pawleys Island; Harbor National Bank, based in Charleston; and  VistaBank, with locations in Aiken and Columbia.

We look forward to working with these new partners to help more of our state's small businesses get the financing they need.

Walter Perry

Tennessee District Office

Walter Perry, District Director

The Tennessee District Office has been busy preparing for the upcoming Fifth Annual Procurement Summit in Nashville, being presented on Wednesday, June 18th.  More than 175 persons pre-registered for the stellar event which draws federal agencies such as the U.S. Air Force, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Army Corps of Engineers to the annual event, providing invaluable opportunities to small business contractors.  The month of June also included SBA loan workshops presented by Jacqueline Merritt in Chattanooga and Murfreesboro. Government contracting seminars were presented by Gloria Armstead in Knoxville, Oak Ridge, and Chattanooga, and Kena Dixon presented a government contracting workshop in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs at the District Office during week of June 9th.  David Tiller appeared on WFSK radio, an HBCU station, on June 5th and June 12th to promote the Procurement Summit and SBA loan programs and services.  District Director Perry and David Tiller presented SBA Disaster Loan information in Fayetteville at a community meeting attended by 102 disaster survivors after three tornadoes swept through Lincoln County in late April.  Later this month, SBA will be presenting federal procurement information at Congressman Steve Cohen's Procurement Fair in Memphis on June 30.


CB and winslow


Dr. Winslow Sargeant, Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the SBA's Office of Advocacy and Cassius Butts, SBA Regional Administrator met last week in Washington, D.C. to discuss the release of the 2013 State Economic Profiles.

Find your Current State Economic Profile


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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Need cash? Get loan now!

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