Thursday, September 29, 2016

NEWS For Small Businesses Across the @SBASoutheast

The SBA assists small businesses reach their entrepreneurial goals through access to capital, counseling and contracting

@SBASoutheast News to Share

September 2016

--- In This Issue ---

Learn About:

  • Resource available for entrepreneurs
  • Events for small business happening across the Southeast Region
  • SBA Blogs 
  • SBA Tutorials
  • Contracting opportunities

Rohit and cassius

Cassius F. Butts
Region IV Administrator
U.S. Small Business Administration


Above: Cassius F. Butts, Regional Administrator (right) visits the Center for Civic Innovation in Atlanta, Georgia. Rohit Malhotra (left), Executive Director, Center for Civic Innovation, provided a tour and background of the accelerator, which was a finalist in the SBA's Accelerator Grant Fund Competition this year. 

SBA logo

National Small Business Week 2017 Nominate an Outstanding Entrepreneur Today!

NSBW 2017 General Promo

SBA is proud to celebrate another year of serving small businesses. Learn how we support you!

  • Learn more about SBA loan programs
  • Get started as a contractor 
  • Find an SBA District Office
  • Manage your staff and employees
  • Choose your business location and equipment

 Resources of Interest:

Exporting September Fema App

About The SBA Region IV Office

The SBA Region IV Office includes the states of: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee. Nearly $5 billion in SBA-backed loans were approved to small businesses across the Southeast in fiscal year 2015. Learn more about the SBA Region IV Office: or contact the office: 

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SBA Resource Partners:

America's SBDC

Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are located in every state. These centers offer no-cost counseling for existing small business owners. Over 75,000 small business owners were counseled just last year in the Southeast Region. Locate your local SBDC here

SCORE logo


SCORE counselors provide no-cost small business mentoring, advice, and seminars to help you better operate your small business. SCORE is a great resource to utilize when starting your own small business. Over 57,000 entrepreneurs in Region IV were assisted by SCORE volunteers this past year. Find your local SCORE Chapter here.

Women's business graphic

The Women's Business Centers (WBC) offer mentoring services as well as educational programs and networking events for women who own small businesses (as well as all entrepreneurs).  Over 18,000 women entrepreneurs were trained and counseled through WBC's in the Southeast last year. Locate your local WBC here


      SBA Southeast Region Office News and Events                 

SBA Administrator and Seal

Learn More About SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet

cassius butts

Learn More About Regional Administrator Cassius F. Butts

SBA Region IV:

region 4

SELF Help for Small Business Owners

Learning Center

SBA Online Courses

Go to for information on SBA programs and services.

Veterans graphic

Veterans, whether you are starting or growing your business, SBA can help. 

Visit the resources SBA has for Veterans here

Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Veteran Entrepreneurs

Are you a Veteran looking towards entrepreneurship?  Find a Boots to Business Reboot course near you!


Can You Really Start a Business With Just a Smartphone? Yes! 

It might seem a bit surprising it's absolutely possible to start and run a business from your smartphone. At the very least, you can start a business and run the majority of it from a smartphone and without a computer, from your home.

Are You SBA's Next Winner?

Are you a small business owner with an amazing success story to tell?  If so, submit your nomination today for SBA's National Small Business Week awards.

Blog | Is Your Small Business Social Enough?
It is worth your time to build and nurture your social media presence even when your business — and your online audience — are small.

How to Know When to Change Your Business Plan

Sometimes you need to stick to your business plan to make it work. Even a mediocre strategy consistently executed over time is better than a series of brilliant strategies that keep going off in different directions. Strategy often takes time.

Blog | 3 Technologies for Streamlining Customer Communications 

The rise of mobile search and shopping behavior has helped drive the effectiveness of out-of-home advertising. 

LINC- Borrower Tool

Loan Programs

Connect with lenders with the new SBA LINC tool to Find lenders in your area.


Contracting August

Did you know the federal government buys nearly $100 billion worth of goods and services from small businesses each year? Government contracts can offer significant opportunities for small businesses, but selling to the government requires a very different approach than selling to the commercial sector. 

Understand how to:

  • Qualify as a small business
  • Determine your NAICS code
  • Register for government contracting

Learn more

SBA Region IV Office

region 4


Main: 404-331-4999


Cassius F. Butts, Regional Administrator


SBA Office of Advocacy: 

Mark Berson, Regional Advocate


SBA Region IV Office Staff:  

Tawana Farley, Regional Office Manager



Lola Kress, Regional Communications Director




University of North Florida & Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce ScaleUp!

Scale Up 3

Congratulations to the University of North Florida and the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce for being selected and awarded funding from the SBA for The ScaleUp America Initiative. The SBA's ScaleUp America Initiative is designed to help small firms with high potential grow their businesses so that they will create more jobs and have a greater economic impact, both locally and nationally. This community-focused initiative is designed to build and strengthen entrepreneurial networks within particular communities, so that firms grow by leveraging existing resources and expertise in their communities. 

Read More......... 

What's Happening Around the Region

SBA Alabama District Office

Tom Todt

Tom Todt, District Director

Year-end is looming and business is booming! The SBA Alabama District Office staff are busy wrapping up events to finish out the fiscal year—even while football season is ramping up again!

JaWanda Henderson-Jones, BOS, and Rod Perkins, LRS, make presentations to attendees at the monthly Lending Overview workshop. 

AL photo 1

Al 2 photo

Raymond Hembree, Deputy District Director, provides an overview of SBA programs and services to attendees at the monthly 8(a) seminar. 

North Florida District Office

Wilfredo Gonzalez

Wilfredo J. Gonzalez, 
District Director


The North Florida District Office (NFDO) recently signed a Strategic Alliance Memorandum (SAM) with the Orlando Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO). The groups will work together to increase training and other opportunities for women business owners. Donna Padgug, Women's Business Specialist/Economic Development Specialist facilitated the signing with NAWBO –Orlando. 


L to R: Pamela Rogan, Immediate Past President, NAWBO Orlando, Jennifer Dickerson, Community Partnership Chair, NAWBO Orlando, Donna Padgug, SBA North Florida Women's Business Specialist, Lydia Chicles, President, NAWBO Orlando

Photo Provided By: Nancy Jo Brown / 106FOTO 

The SBA NFDO also signed a statewide SAM on August 30 with the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida. The Chamber is expanding its reach into several Central Florida counties to serve the growing population of business owners from Puerto Rico. SBA will partner with the Chamber to bring training and workshops and other resources to the area. The event was hosted at Sanford Airport, where the airport also announced there will be new direct flights to Puerto Rico 4 times a week starting in December. 

PR Chamber SAM Signing

L to R: George Seda, Vice President, Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida; Ed Ramos, SBA Senior Area Manager Orlando (North Florida); Amilcar Cordova, President, Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida; and Robert Chavarria, Senior Area Manager Tampa (South Florida).

South Florida District Office

Pancho Marrero

Francisco Marrero,

District Director

The summer of 2016 has been busy for the 
South Florida District Office!! 

Jonel & 8a Staff

South Florida District Office welcomed the newest member to its 8(a) Business Development team: Ronald A. Brunner, Business Opportunity Specialist.  Prior to federal civilian service, Ronald was a Service Engineer for Service Express in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also served 14 combined years of active, National Guard and Army Reserve duty. He continues to serve his country as a commissioned officer in the Army Reserves.

Emerging Leaders S FL

Above: Members of the 2016 South Florida Emerging Leaders Class Felix Murillo of CAM International, Karen Vieira of The Med Writers, Steven Sarduy of Indemnity Security and Juan Arenas of Packing and Resources participated in the grand opening ceremony of Indemnity Security's storefront location, Sept. 20.

Also this summer, the SBA South Florida District Office used their weekly "Let's Talk SBA" radio segment with Pete De La Torre, cofounder of World Business Radio Network and 2016 Media Advocate of the Year for the State of Florida to launch a SBA-themed "Roadshow" featuring regional administrators in an on-air Q&A platform. This show theme was designed particularly for small business owners who may be looking into growth potential and/or networking with businesses in other markets and as a way to hear more about the overall characteristics, demographics, challenges and trends in the various regions. In addition, the interviews also help to promote the regions respective SBA success stories! Region(s) 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been featured thus far and we are making our way across the U.S. in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout! 

Georgia District Office

Terri Denison

Terri Denison,
District Director

Access to Capital

The Georgia District Office is pleased to announce the newest addition to the micro-lender community, Accion. Through its micro-lending program, it provides entrepreneurs with loans up the $50,000. Accion has also recently become a SBA Community Advantage Lender allowing it to provide larger loans up to $250,000. Even though they are based in Orlando, Florida, they can service clients throughout Georgia. Accion has been providing access to capital and small business consulting since 1991. 

Kentucky District Office

Ralph Ross

Ralph Ross,
District Director

KY SBDC Director Recognized as One of the Best Boots to Business Instructors

The Boots to Business program of the Office of Veterans Business Development (OVBD) is acknowledging the six most outstanding Boots to Business instructors for 2016. Based on nationwide SBA nominations, these instructors were selected for their immense contributions and dedication to the program and our service members, veterans, and spouses in their business ownership endeavors, including Patricia Krausman, Director of the University of Kentucky Small Business Development Center in Elizabethtown. 

 Patricia has provided exceptional business management consulting and training for over twenty years. Additionally, she served as the statewide program director for the Kentucky SBDC Veterans Assistance Program, which she grew from a concept in 2009 to a highly respected, go-to resource for veteran business support and advocacy. In 2013, she was chosen as the KY SBA Veteran's Small Business Advocate of the Year.

 Patricia has guided entrepreneurs in the successful development, management, and growth of small businesses. She is a hands-on leader and advocate, serving as a member of the KY Commission on Small Business Advocacy, the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board and the Governor's Veterans Interagency Task Force, among other voluntary roles. As a result, she was awarded the prestigious KY Association for Economic Development Allied Professional of the Year in 2014.

 Prior to joining the KSBDC program, she supported small businesses in both the for-profit and non-profit arena, working for Metro United Way, Safeguard Business Systems and others.  Patricia graduated with a B.A. in Business Administration from McKendree College and an M.B.A. from Embry Riddle University.

 Congratulations, Patricia Krausman, and thank you for your tireless service to veterans and entrepreneurs.

 For more information, go to and look under Press Releases.

Mississippi District Office

Janita Stewart

Janita Stewart,

District Director

On August 23, 2016, the Gulfport Branch Office in partnership with AARP connected with Encore Entrepreneurs who were interested in starting or growing their businesses. The event provided audience members an opportunity to engage a panel of local business professionals in an effort to garner insightful information regarding several business centric topics: Some of the panel highlights included: Access to Capital, Counseling Resources, Social Media for Business, and Small Business Incentives.

MS Photo

Photo: Ivory Craig, AARP, Lance Foster, SBA, Mitch McDowell, SBDC Gulf Coast, Andy Collins, Mississippi State University Extension Service and Dorothy Wilson, Business Owner of DWilson & Associates, LLC 

On August 31, 2016, The Mississippi District Office  and AARP  hosted an Encore Entrepreneur Business Forum in Meridian, MS.  Information was provided to local entrepreneurs on finding capital for businesses, government contracting, financial literacy, and also the advantages of becoming certified as a small business owner. The event lasted from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Not only was SBA involved in this event but representatives from SCORE, MDA, and SBDC were present. 

MS 2 Encore

Photo: Ivory Craig, AARP and SBA Mississippi District Staff

North Carolina District Office

Lynn Douthett

Lynn Douthett,

District Director

Boots 2 biz

On September 16, the North Carolina district office hosted an all-day veteran entrepreneurship workshop at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Over 30 attended the workshop which covered various topics including business plan writing, setting up a legal structure, and securing funding.

SBA Boots to Business: Reboot is a national training program that provides veterans and their spouses an overview of business ownership as a career, an outline of the components of business ownership, a practical exercise in opportunity recognition, and an introduction to available public and private sector resources. Since its inception in 2013, the Boots to Business program has conducted 1,795 workshops with over 37,500 transitioning veterans. In North Carolina, we have hosted 111 Workshops for about 1,850 attendees. The program is made possible by SBA's Office of Veteran's Business Development with the support of The Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University and local SBA partners.

B2B Reboot

Attendees interact with members of an entrepreneurship panel during the Boots to Business: Reboot session.

NCDO staff B2 B

(left to right) Don Spry, SBA Senior Area Manager for Wilmington and Southeast North Carolina; AARP North Carolina team members Rodney Statham, Suzanne Black, and Dennis Stokely.

GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING WEBINAR SERIES FOR 2016-2017 – 2nd Tuesday of Every Month!

·        Did you know the U.S. Government buys over $500 Billion of goods and services every year?

·        Would you like to find out how your business can access the federal marketplace?

·        Want to learn about more Tools that might help you grow your business in addition to your Certification?

The SBA North Carolina District Office presents a brand new webinar series to help you learn about contracting with the federal government.

Throughout the series you will learn about:

- Marketing to the Government
- Procurement Process and Contracts
- Application Process for 8(a) Certification
- The benefits of 8(a) certification such as Joint Ventures and Mentor/Protégé
- Access to Credit and Bonding

For more information, contact Erin Connell at 704-344-6590 or e-mail.

South Carolina District Office

Elliott Cooper

Elliott Cooper,
District Director

The South Carolina District Office met with the Center for Women and the South Carolina Women's Business Center (SCWBC) on 8/30/2016. It was a great meeting discussing our partnership and preparing our strategic plans for the next fiscal year. There are two new members to the team. Martin Short, Economic Development Specialist and Public Affairs Specialist joined the SBA in July and Gwendolyn Singletary, Program Coordinator, joined the Women's Business Center in May. 


L to R: Martin Short- SBA Economic Development Specialist/Public Affairs Specialist, Amy Brennan-Executive Director Center for Women, Gwendolyn Singletary- SCWBC-Program Coordinator, Elliott Cooper- SBA District Director, and Leigh Ann Garrett- Programs & Events Manager

Tennessee District Office

John Mallano, Acting District Director


One of SBA's most popular and successful initiatives is the "Boots 2 Business" program. Initiated as a pilot in 2012 and expanded nationally in 2013, Boots to Business, and the more recent ReBoot program, utilizes SBA resource partners including the Veterans Business Outreach Centers (VBOC) Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), Women's Business Centers (WBC), SCORE, and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University to deliver entrepreneurship education and training to transitioning service members and their dependents who are exploring or pursuing small business ownership and self-employment

Boots to Business is available at no charge on military installations worldwide to Service members and military spouses transitioning or retiring from service. See for more information.

ReBoot is a program presented off the premises of military installations and is open to all Veterans and their families, free of charge.

On September 20 and 21, the Tennessee SBA District Office participated in "ReBoot" in downtown Nashville at Bunker Labs with the support of the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and the Starkville, MS-based, Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) along with the Veterans Business Development Officer for the Tennessee District Office, the SBDC and SCORE.  All military service organizations were invited and please note our programs welcome all Veterans in the mid-state and neighboring states as well.  For information on upcoming opportunities please visit 

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